Term 3 - Blog 043

Monday, April 13, 2009

lundi le 13 avril 2009

HAPPY EASTER! :] I have to say that again! It's been an extremely great break. If there wasn't school tomorrow, it would've been as good as summer. Summer...ahh...can't wait for it. I know I shouldn't wish for a break right after one, but I love summer. The sun shining down on you...I hope it'll always be there.

Lately I've been more emotional than usual...Must be because of all these tragic mangas I've been reading. >_<. Ah well, I won't be able to read as much starting tomorrow. I seriously think they should make school only four days a week...more even and more relaxation time. I read a manga today that left me in deep thought. It was a one-shot (just one chapter T-T,) but it was quite the read. It described the world...and how everyone died from Global Warming. They built this tower and built a sort of robotic system to maintain it. Inside the tower was DNA of every living species on Earth...except humans, or so they thought. They also sent a rocket out into space to another galaxy where they thought humans could strive. Unfortunately, all 140 thousand human dna strands died. It was hundreds of thousands of light years away, so that's not surprising. The robots that went with the human dna survived though and they came back to Earth and the tower after the world had calmed down. The main character is the computer system that protected the tower. It was sad. In the end, every species was preserved...around 200 thousand years after all humans had left the world. I pity the computer system. It seemed to have feelings. The thing is, it really got me thinking. Will we ever have to resort to such a thing? Will we get desperate enough to separate dna strands, hoping they'll live through this cataclysmic event? Will we even have the technology to when the time comes? This probably won't happen in my lifetime...but it makes me think. The future is scary. Hotel is probably the most psychological and realistic manga I'll ever read.

Hope you had a great break too =)

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