T3 - B14-18 - Movie Review

Sunday, March 14, 2010

yaawn. sorry for not blogging for like this entire week. i'm so bad at keeping track of blogs...why can't i be one of those people who never forget? siiigh. i envy those who can blog everyday and still have more to say.

soo...what happened during this joyous week of spring break?

a lot of Okami. gaaawd. i think i'm obsessed with that game....hmmm how long is this no capital thing going to last? well...not long. super blog today. (:

think i fixed my blog finaaallly. ._. please don't tell me there's still a margin under the header. cause i'll seriously strangle the html code if you do. well...if i figure out how to strangle a string a text...

watched Alice in Wonderland...movie review in a bit. <3~>_<. so i just spent like two hours jumping around on Okami. Amaterasu is just soooo cute! like seriously. what's cuter than a wolf and a flea-boy hopping around feudal Japan? nothing right?! and every time i get a new brush i get sooo excited. the brush gods make me laugh. <3>_<. i haaave an itch to photoshop. raaaawr. must go find a reason to. alright. gonna end with a quote from the song i'm listening to atm. o_O. weird song. 'I must remember to have a quiet word with that girl'
- The Corrs "I Never Loved You Anyway"

Alice in Wonderland
directed by Tim Burton
star cast: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway
Alice in Wonderland was wooooonderful!

Perfect CGI. (: Almost as good as Avatar...Just not as epic. I think Alice killed the Jabberwocky too easily. But besides that, amaaaazing. (:

Alice's dresses were soooo pretty. >_< And she had many. I wonder how many they had to make. Mia made a perfect Alice too. It was just how I expected it to be.

I think the best actor award for this movie must go to Johnny Depp though. I don't think I would've been so entertained without his role of the Mad Hatter. It really drew out the emotions in me.

Wonderland truly came alive in this movie.

3D or 2D, make sure to give it a watch. (: (Personally, I think the movie wasn't enhanced by the 3D all that much. Just a few moments that were fantastic.)

I think this is probably the least explained review I have ever done. Let's hope I do a better job next time? x3


Anonymous said...

There is still a margin under the header.

Bluesander said...


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