T1 - B47 - Manga Blog

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Quick summary of my day then my manga review. :)

Played some Wii Fit.
Ate out for lunch.
Went grocery shopping.
Ate dinner. Yum?

That's about it. A pretty typical Sunday. And a relaxing calming one at that. Alright. Onto my review. :)

Bloody Monday
Written by Ryuumon Ryou
Art by Megumi Kouji

Bloody Monday is another one of my favourite psychological reads. Why I like Bloody Monday is simple: it keeps me thinking and wanting more. It's horror that shocks you, but doesn't leave you scared. Instead, it makes you interested.

"Bloody Monday" is the key word for an event. An event that will wipe out Tokyo. Or should anyways. At first it is thought to be a virus invented to kill millions in merely hours, but later in the manga, it is discovered that Bloody Monday involves something much deadlier. Something that cannot possibly have an antidote.

There are many plot twists and character developments in the story. Our main character? Falcon. A genious hacker who helps an organization that is similiar to the FBI. His father just happens to be part of that organization. He and his friends are wrapped up in the situation. Luckily, one of his friends is a top in the country for archery and the other can match national competitors in karate. He has friends in high places, you could say.

The terrorist organization that is plotting Bloody Monday has many plot twists as well. Members of said organizations have interesting names as well. "J", "K", Cain, Abel (Cain and Abel is a hacking program), etc...

Throughout the story, friends are made of the enemy and of strangers. When Bloody Monday (it's actually a Thursday due the following of the Mayan calendar...or something likt that) draws near, Russia also comes. The "bomb" was made in Russia, and they didn't want any bad publicity.

Friends become enemies, enemies become friends. Bloody Monday is a thriller that you don't want to miss reading if you're a manga fan.

Little hint at the ending: Falcon saves the day.

MAL: http://myanimelist.net/manga/5627/Bloody_Monday
MangaFox: http://www.mangafox.com/manga/bloody_monday/

1 comment:

iLiveForSleep said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 the pics

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