T3 - B22-26

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I sweaaar this whole blogging thing isn't working out for me. It seems like I can never remember to blog in time.

I need to do like 3 super blogs this week to make up for the ones that I've missed. ._. Watch out for that? I think I might cheat and just do a photoshop blog tomorrow. ._.

In any case, I'm quite satisfied with my grades at school. Considering that I did actually try for my grades this term....for the most part anyways.

It's depressing that I don't have the highest percentage in English though...I was looking forward to that English award again...T_T.

Oh look. The capitals are back again. I knew that whole facade wasn't going to hold out for long. Typing without capitals is just not my thing.

Someone, pleaaaase tell me the margin below the header is gone. I swear I tried forever to fix that. It doesn't help that my computer shows that it's gone. Stupid computer. *smacks.* Oh, I'm sorry computer...

So that whole procrastinating thing? Um. It's still here. Someone shoo it away. ._.

Over the past few days, I've done the whole "deep thinking" progress thing over and over. Here are some of the things I concluded with:

1) My life isn't that bad.
2) I'm wasting my life in front of the computer. I should do something useful to either prolong my life or make it more important.
3) Death is scary.
4) I don't respect my parents. At all.
5) I'm a clumsy klutz. (I know that's redundant.)
6) School's a waste of our life when we could be out there making something of ourselves.
=> On the other hand, gaining knowledge and getting involved in extracurricular activities is better than actually working at a job.
7) I get the urge to take out a journal and start writing too often.
=> Perhaps I should keep a notebook around with me?

I'm pretty sure I concluded more than just those facts, but bare with me. I can't remember everything you know! That's why I added that suggestion under 7.

Yaawn. I've started reading manga again. I swear Liar Game gets me psyched up every time. The author is just extremely clever with his mathematical and logical explanations and his innovative games. I wonder if it takes him a long time to work out each game...even I can't understand his explanations sometimes. Perhaps manga really can help develop an intellectual's mind...? Well when you're reading the right ones anyways.

Oh. Right. I was going to do a top manga of each genre thingy. (: I'll do that sometime this week. I've decided to finally take some positive action in my life..

And start a novel again! :3 That will keep me from taking 4 hour naps as soon as I get home...like seriously...even my mom questions my future.


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