T1 - B66

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th. And I wrote 14th for all my assignments today. Wow. I fail. x3

Hopefully no one notices...o_o...or takes marks off for that. I was so confused this morning...

Anyways, on the bright note, since I didn't know it was Friday the 13th until school ended, I didn't have any bad luck. Well, unless i failed that SS test. Which would be bad buck times a billion.

My hand hurts...well...my index finger hurts...o_o. So it hurts to type, so I won't blog so much today. I'm not even quite sure why it hurts. Wow. I'm strange. Then again, it's okay to be weird. Are weird and strange the same thing? o_o. Well I always thought being strange was a bad, but weird was good. So I should stop calling myself strange.

Kay, that's all for today. I'm off to better things. :3

1 comment:

iLiveForSleep said...

it was FRIDAY THE 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, i didn't even notice, until TODAY, and it's not even friday the 13th anymore. i fail more than u do TRUST ME

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